e-Invoice: Lease365 FAQ
Question 1:
My rental charges flow to failed validation folder due to late submission in e-invoice.
a. For invoices, system does not allow auto reversal due to under bound contract.
b. How about the CN which were rejected?
All documents must be submitted to IRB and successfully validated by IRB within 72 hours. Do not backdate transactions.
a. If the bill is posted from Billing Schedule, you cannot use auto reversal to reverse the invoice. You can use manual CN but user will need to manually re-issue the correct invoice afterwards.
Go to Credit Risk Management > Billing Schedule > Posted > Cancel Posting for those wrongly dated Invoices. Upon cancel posting, the system will reverse the posted Billings and CN will be auto-generated, and flow to E-Inv App.
For the failed validated invoice and CN that is auto generated upon cancel posting, you can click to cancel send from the E-Inv App for the time being. The auto generated CN will probably fail to validate because there will be no UUID in the transaction reference since the invoice failed to validate.
Once you have the above, you may proceed to post again from Billing Schedule with the correct document date.
Note: Vendor will further explore on how to cater CN in this condition.
b. Go to Credit Risk Management > Invoice/Adjustment/Deposit > Adjustment , you may void the failed validated CN.
Upon voiding, system will auto generate a DN upon reversal of the CN. The DN will flow to E-Invoice app, but user can click on cancel send for the failed validated CN and the DN, and proceed to reissue a correct date CN to allocate to the Rental and let the CN flow to e-invoice app again.