How to Report Spam/Phish/Virus email
Cyber Security Awareness #17
eMail New Feature "Submit Message"

Look for the Submit Message button

Then, choose the category accordingly

When to Submit?
The following table shows various categories of messages and when to submit such message:
When to Submit a Message
Messages that are unsolicited and undesired and are often sent out in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient list. Typically, spam is sent for commercial purposes.
Messages that are unsolicited and undesired and may be malicious (virus, malware, scams, and so on).
Messages and/or attachments that contain virus.
Delivered to your Inbox, but you consider the message as
Advertising messages that are sent by
professional marketing groups. These
messages were of use at some point in time but have diminished in value to the point where you no longer want to receive them.
Delivered to your Inbox, and you consider the message as marketing, and you want the message to be moved to Junk email folder.
Legitimate (good) message, not spam. Also
known as ‘Ham.’
Delivered to your Junk email folder, but you consider the message as Legitimate.